sammler:modelcar version

Manage your modelcar collection

You love and take care your modelcar collection. And you like to document the history of each of your cars. With beautiful, detailed pictures or you just want to record when you have cleaned your modelcar the last time.

Then »sammler:modelcar« will help you to manage your modelcar collection perfectly.

Take a closer look at the comprehensive capabilities of »sammler:modelcar« and see how it will support you to manage your modelcars.

You have a beautiful hobby - give it a stage!

Organize your modelcars

»sammler:modelcar« is an application that will help you manage your model car collection. You can organize the collection by any criteria into categories and capture the specific characteristics of every model you own.

Moreover, you can create photo albums of models and record their maintenance and care in the form of a history.

With the history you document all events concerning your model. You can assign activities to events and highlight them in color.

So you can see at a glance when you for example have repaired your model for the last time.

Showcase your modelcars

»sammler:modelcar« allows you to store photos of a model car organized in albums by any criteria.

The pictures can be taken directly using the built-in camera of your device or you can import existing photos.

Also, you can highlight albums in different colors and select a particularly impressive photo for the model's summary card or for the app start-up page.

A convenient search function allows you to look for particular words across all model cars, categories, biographies, photos and events which offers direct access to the contents of your collection.

You can also use statistical functions that provide a graphical representation of data as a bar chart or a doughnut graph (e.g., showing the distribution of car types or model manufacturers in your collection).

For each model car you can create a printed flyer containing the main characteristics of the model.

»sammler:modelcar« provides an easy-to-use interface which is equally suitable for touch devices as well as keyboard and mouse inputs, and supports all display sizes.

Free version with full functionality

The free version of »sammler:modelcar« has no functional limitations, so you can use all functions the app has to offer. However there are the following quantitative restrictions:

You can manage at most 7 models, 21 pictures and 21 history events.

By purchasing of expansion packages within the App, however, it is always possible to raise the limit values gradually or to remove the restrictions completely.


At a glance

  • Administration of a model car collection
  • Assignment of models to arbitrary categories
  • Acquisition and maintenance of the properties of a model
  • Displaying and printing flyer
  • History with events and activities for every model
  • Creating and managing photo albums for every model
  • Slideshow
  • Search function across all models, categories, history events and photos
  • Table listing of all model cars with grouping, filtering and sorting
  • Statistical functions with graphical representation in form of bar charts or doughnut graphs
  • Local storage of all information, including database backup and restore function
  • Live tiles with model preview