Release Notes

CSV export of bonsai data has been added.

Data of all bonsai contained in the database can now be exported into a CSV file. This file can be then processed with most spreadsheet applications.

The export functionality has the following limitations:

  • Only bonsai data (i.e properties) can be exported - categories, image galleries, images and biography events cannot be exported.
  • Exported data can not be imported from a CSV file. For this purpose please use the backup/recover functionality in the app's options.

Images can be now sorted in a gallery.

The following types of sorting are supported:

  • Sorting by taken date in ascending/descending order
  • Sorting by image name in ascending/descending order
  • Sorting by the time when images were added in ascending/descending order

Context sensitive help and release notes are provided.

For nearly every page in the app there is now a context-sensitive help available. The help can be displayed by clicking/touching the question-mark-button ("?") in the right upper corner of a page (or by pressing the "F1" key).

The release notes are displayed automatically at the first start of the app after an update. Or by clicking/touching the version number in the app's option menu.

All help topics and the current release notes are available on the app's website as well.

The state of the Bonsai table overview is now preserved.

The state of the Bonsai table overview is now preserved when the user navigates to another page, and restored when he navigates back to the overview.

Social media sharing has been added.

Bonsai setcards, images and biography events can now be shared on social media platforms or sent by e-mail.

A unique bonsai identification number is now displayed.

On the bonsai setcard, the detail page and the printout, a unique bonsai identification number is now displayed.

Bonsai sizes are now displayed also in inches.

Bonsai size unit is now displayed in inches additionally the metric system unit.
