Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for the app "sammler:bonsai" - general remarks.

The FAQs provide detailed answers for users, answering questions about the app that users might have. Since the FAQs are written for a family of several sammler-apps, we will use in what follows the generic term "collector's item" when referring to a bonsai.

General remarks.

How can I add a new collector's item category?

A collector's item category can be added by different methods, depending on device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Touch: Touch on the "plus" button in the header of the categories.
  • Mouse: Perform a right click on the "plus" button in the header of the categories.
  • Keyboard: Press the [Insert] key.

The detail page of the new category is displayed and you can enter category properties.

How can I delete a collector's item category?

A collector's item category can be deleted by different methods, depending on device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Select the category you want to delete.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu of the category and touch/click the "delete" button.
  • Keyboard: Press [Ctrl-][e].

Please Note:

  • Deleting a category does not delete the collector's items contained in the category. They will still remain in the category "all".
  • The category "all" cannot be deleted.

A confirmation dialog is shown. In case of confirmation, the collector's item category will be deleted.

How can I change properties of a collector's item category?

Properties of a collector's item category can be changed in the detail page of the category.

  • Select the category you want to edit.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu of the category and touch/click the "edit" button.
  • Keyboard: Press [Ctrl-][e].
The following properties of a category can be changed:
  • Name of the category (notice: the name of the category "all" cannot be changed).
  • Description of the category.
  • Color of the category.
  • Update speed of a text displayed on the category tile.

The detail page of the category opens and you can change category properties.

How can I sort collector's item categories?

Collector's item categories can be sorted using the "sort" button (up-down-arrows) in the header of the categories.

The following types of sorting can be applied:

  • Sorting by category name - choose
    "a b c" for ascending and
    "c b a" for descending order.
  • Sorting by size of the category (i.e. the number of contained collector's items) - choose
    "size 1 2 3" for ascending and
    "size 3 2 1" for descending order.

The collector's item categories are now ordered accordingly.

How can I pin a collector's item as a teaser item?

A collector's item can be pinned as a teaser item for the app on several pages within the app.

Pin the current item displayed on the start page
  • Navigate to the start page of the app.
  • Touch/Mouse: Touch/click the button "pin" (needle symbol).
  • The needle symbol is crossed out now to indicate that when you touch it again the current item will be unpinned.
  • Touch/Mouse: Touch/click the crossed out "pin" button again to unpin the current item.
Pin the current item on the item's set card page
  • Navigate to the start page of the app.
  • Choose the collector's item category "all" - the category opens and all collector's items are displayed.
  • Choose the item you want to pin - the set card page of the item is displayed.
  • Touch/Mouse: Touch/click the button "pin" (needle symbol).
  • The needle symbol is crossed out now to indicate that when you touch it again the current item will be unpinned.
  • Touch/Mouse: Touch/click the crossed out "pin" button again to unpin the current item.

If a collector's item is pinned, it is shown every time when the start page of the app is displayed. If no item is pinned, a randomly chosen item is shown.

How can I print data of a collector's item?

Properties of a collector's item can be printed from several pages within the app.

Print data of a collector's item from its set card page
  • Navigate to the item's set card page.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu in the item's set card and choose the "print" button (paper sheet symbol).
  • Choose a printer and change the printer settings if needed.
  • Print the set card of the item.
Print collector's item data from its detail page
  • Navigate to the item's set card page.
  • Touch/Mouse: In the properties column of the set card click "edit properties" - the details page of the item is displayed.
  • Touch: Use a swipe gesture starting from the right border of the screen, the general settings pane slides in. Touch on the "device" entry and touch then on the "print" entry of the app.
  • Mouse: Move the mouse to the right border of the screen, the general settings pane slides in. Click on the "device" entry and click then on the "print" entry of the app.
  • Keyboard: Press [Windows]-[c], the general settings pane slides in. Move with the [cursor] keys to the "device" entry and select it with the [space] bar. Move then with the [cursor] keys to the "print" entry of the app and select it with the [space] bar.
  • Choose a printer and change printer settings if needed.
  • Print the set card of the collector's item.

The set card of the collector's item is printed out.

How can I share a collector's item?

Items can be shared across many social networks or via mail from several pages within the app.

Share a collector's item from its set card page
  • Navigate to the item's set card page.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu in the item's set card and click the "share" button.
Share a collector's item from its detail page
  • Navigate to the item's set card page.
  • Touch/Mouse: In the properties column of the set card touch/click the "edit properties" action - the details page of the item is displayed.
  • Touch/Mouse: Scroll to the most right property column and touch/click the "share" button.

The share charm bar is displayed and you can choose the sharing target for the item. Please note that in most cases you can share data only if you have installed an appropriate app for a specific social network.

How can I add a new collector's item to a category?

A collector's item can be added by different methods, depending on device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Open the category the new collector's item is to be added to.
  • Touch: Touch on the "plus" button in the category header.
  • Mouse: Perform a right click on the "plus" button in the category header.
  • Keyboard: Press the [Insert] key.
  • The detail page of the new collector's item opens and you can enter item properties.

The collector's item is now added to the category.

How can I delete a collector's item?

A collector's item can be deleted by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Select the item you want to delete.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu of that item and touch/click the "delete" button.
  • Keyboard: Press [Ctrl-][e].

Please Note:

  • The item will be deleted permanently and there is no undo action for this.

A confirmation dialog is shown. In case of a confirmation, the item is deleted permanently.

How can I change properties of a collector's item?

Properties of a collector's item can be changed in its detail page.

  • Navigate to the item's set card page.
  • Touch/Mouse: In the properties column of the set card click the "edit properties" action.

The detail page of the item is displayed and you can change item properties.

How can I discard changes to a collector's item?

Changes of item properties can be discarded before leaving the item edit page.

  • In the item edit page click the "discard" action in the upper right corner.

All made changes are discarded and will not be saved.

How can I move or copy collector's items to another category?

Collector's items can be moved or copied to another category by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard) .

  • Select one or many collector's items you want to move or copy.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu and choose the button "move to category" (not available in category "all") or the button "add to category" (available in all categories).
    Touch and hold one of the selected items and move them to the left.
  • Touch/Mouse: The list of all available categories appears on the left side. Drop the moved items to one of them (except that one you have selected the items from).

The selected items are now moved or copied to the chosen category.

How can I sort collector's items in the tile view?

Collector's items can be sorted depending on the type of view which is currently displayed. In the tile view the items can be sorted using the "sort" button (up-down-arrows) in the header of the category.

The following types of sorting can be applied:

  • Sorting by item name using
    "a b c" for ascending or
    "c b a" for descending order.

The collector's items are now ordered accordingly.

How can I sort collector's items in the grid view?

Collector's items can be sorted depending on the type of view which is currently displayed. In the grid view the items can be sorted using the "sort" arrow (up-down-arrows) in the header of every grid column. A repeated click/touch on the arrow toggles between the sorting direction and the "no sort" option.

The following types of sorting can be applied:

  • Sorting a column in ascending order (down arrow).
  • Sorting a column in descending order (up arrow).
  • Not sorting a column at all (no arrow).

The collector's items are now ordered accordingly.

How can I group collector's items in the grid view?

Collector's items can be grouped only in the grid view. A grouping is only possible when using mouse or touch screen. It cannot be used with the keyboard.

  • Drag the header of the column you want to be used for grouping to the left and drop it on the grey bar with the caption "drag a column header here to group".
  • Repeat dragging and dropping for each group you want to build.
  • Click/touch on the sizer item at left upper corner of the grey grouping bar to enlarge/shrink it. If the bar is enlarged, you can re-order or remove groups.
  • You can simply re-oder groups by dragging them to a new position.
  • Click/touch on the delete symbol to remove a group.

The collector's items are now grouped accordingly.

How can I filter collector's items in the grid view?

Collector's items can be filtered only in the grid view. A filtering is only possible when using mouse or touch screen. It cannot be used with the keyboard.

  • Click/touch the filter symbol in the header of the column you wish to filter. The filter popup is displayed.
  • The available comparison methods depend on the column type.
    For alphanumeric columns the following comparison methods can be used:

    • is equal to
    • is not equal to
    • starts with
    • ends with
    • does contain
    • does not contain

    For numeric columns the following comparison methods can be used:

    • is equal to
    • is not equal to
    • is greater than
    • is greater than or equal to
    • is less than
    • is less than or equal to

    For boolean columns the following comparison methods can be used:

    • is true
    • is false

  • Select a comparison method, enter a value and specify whether the comparison should be case-sensitive or not (for alphanumeric columns only).
  • Click/touch the button "filter" to apply the filter to the column.
  • Click/touch the button "clear filter" to remove the filter from the column.
  • Click/touch the enlarge button to apply a second filter to the same column.

You can filter multiple columns at once. Names of filtered columns are underlined to indicate that a filter is applied.

The collector's items are now filtered accordingly.

How can I switch between a tile view and a grid view?

Collector's items of a category can be displayed as a tile view or as a grid view.

  • The view can be changed using the "grid" or "tile" button (depending on the current view) in the header of a category.

The selected view is now displayed accordingly.

How can I add a new image gallery?

An image gallery can be added by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Touch: Touch on the "plus" button in the header of the galleries.
  • Mouse: Perform a right click on the "plus" button in the header of the galleries.
  • Keyboard: Press the [Insert] key.

The detail page of the new image gallery is displayed and you can enter gallery properties.

How can I delete an image gallery?

An image gallery can be deleted by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Select the gallery you want to delete.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu of the gallery and touch/click the "delete" button.
  • Keyboard: Press [Ctrl-][e].

Please Note:

  • Deleting an image gallery does not delete the contained images. They will still remain in the gallery "all".
  • The gallery "all" cannot be deleted.

A confirmation dialog is shown. In case of a confirmation, the image gallery is deleted.

How can I change properties of an image gallery?

Properties of an image gallery can be changed in the detail page of the gallery.

  • Select the gallery you want to edit.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu of the gallery and touch/click the "edit" button.
  • Keyboard: Press [Ctrl-][e].
The following properties can be changed
  • Name of the gallery (notice: the name of the gallery "all" cannot be changed).
  • Description of the gallery.
  • Color of the gallery.
  • Update speed of a text or images displayed on the gallery tile.
  • Switch indicating whether a preview image should be displayed on the gallery tile.

The detail page of the chosen gallery is displayed and you can change its properties.

How can I sort image galleries?

Image galleries can be sorted by using the "sort" button (up-down-arrows) in the header go the galleries.

The following types of sorting can be applied:

  • Sorting by gallery name using
    "a b c" for ascending or
    "c b a" for descending order.
  • Sorting by gallery size (i.e. by the number of the contained images) using
    "size 1 2 3" for ascending or
    "size 3 2 1" for descending order.

The image galleries are now ordered accordingly.

How can I select objects?

Objects (categories, collector's items, images, events etc.) can be selected by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

Select a single object
  • Touch: Touch on the object you want to select and swipe it down.
  • Mouse: Perform a right click on the object you want to select.
  • Keyboard: Ensure that the input focus is on the object you want to select (using the tab key) and press the [space] bar.
Select multiple objects
  • Touch: Touch on one of objects you want to select and swipe it down. Repeat this for all other objects you want to select. Holding down the [Shift] key selects all objects between the first selected and the last one.
  • Mouse: Perform a right click on one of objects you want to select and repeat this for all other objects you want to select. Holding down the [Shift] key selects all objects between the first selected and the last one.
  • Keyboard: Ensure that the input focus is on one of objects you want to select (using the tab key) and press the [space] bar. Hold down the [Ctrl] key and move with the [cursor] keys to the next object you want to select and press the [space] bar too. Repeat it as long as you have selected all objects you want. Holding down the [Shift] key selects all objects between the first selected and the last one.
Select/deselect all objects
  • Touch: Open the context menu and touch the button "select all"/"deselect all" in the top bar.
  • Mouse: Open the context menu and click the button "select all"/"deselect all" in the top bar.
  • Keyboard: Press [Ctrl]-[a] to select all objects, [Ctrl][d] to deselect them

Each selected object gets a border and a checkmark indicating the selection.

How can I add a new image to an image gallery?

A new image can be added by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Open the image gallery the new image is to be added to.
  • Touch: Touch on the "plus" button in the gallery header.
  • Mouse: Perform a right click on the "plus" button in the gallery header.
  • Keyboard: Press the [Insert] key.
  • The file selection page is displayed and you can chose an image for import.

The image is now added to the gallery.

How can I capture an image with the built-in camera?

An image can be captured by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard) .

  • Open the image gallery the new image is to be added to.
  • Touch/mouse: Touch/click on the "camera" button in the gallery header.
  • The camera app opens. Take a photo and touch/click the "Ok" button.

The image is now added to the gallery.

How can I delete an image?

An image can be deleted by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Select the image you want to delete.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu of that image and touch/click the "delete" button.
  • Keyboard: Press [Ctrl-][e].

Please Note:

  • The image will be deleted permanently and there is no undo action for this.

A confirmation dialog is shown. In case of a confirmation, the image is deleted.

How can I change properties of an image?

Image properties can be changed in the detail page of the image.

The detail page of the image is displayed and you can change image properties.

How can I discard changes of image properties?

The changed image properties can be discarded before leaving the image edit page.

  • In the image edit page choose the "discard" action in the upper right corner.

All made changes are discarded and will not be saved.

How can I rotate an image?

Images can be rotated using the context menu of an image.

  • Navigate to the collector's item whose image you want to rotate.
  • Choose an image gallery in which the image is contained.
  • Select the image you want to rotate.
  • Open the context menu of the selected image.
  • Choose the action "edit" from the bottom app bar. The edit page for the image is displayed.
  • In the edit page choose the "rotate" action in the upper right corner.

The image rotates immediately clockwise in steps by 90 degrees.

How can I set an image as default for a collector's item?

For every collector's item one can choose one of its images as default image.

  • Navigate to the collector's item whose default image you want to set.
  • Choose an image gallery which contains the image you want to use.
  • Select the image you want to set as default for the item.
  • Open the context menu of the selected image.
  • Choose the action "set default image" from the bottom app bar.

The selected image is now the default image of the item and will be shown in its set card. Moreover, the default image is used as a thumbnail when the item is displayed within a category (both in the tile and grid view).

How can I share an image?

Images can be shared across many social networks or via mail using the context menu of an image.

  • Navigate to the collector's item whose image you want to share.
  • Choose an image gallery which contains the image you want to share.
  • Select the image you want to share.
  • Open the context menu of the selected image.
  • Choose the action "edit" from the bottom app bar. The edit page for the image is displayed.
  • In the edit page choose the "share" action in the upper right corner.

The share charm bar opens and you can choose the sharing target for your image. Please note that in most cases you can share images only if you have installed an appropriate app for a specific social network.

How can I reload an image?

Images can be reloaded from a storage using the context menu of an image.

  • Navigate to the collector item whose image you want to reload.
  • Choose an image gallery which contains the image to be reloaded.
  • Select the image you want to reload.
  • Open the context menu of the selected image.
  • Choose the action "edit" from the bottom app bar. The edit page for the image is displayed.
  • In the edit page choose the "reload" action in the upper right corner.

The file selection page is displayed and you can choose the image you want to reload.

How can I sort images?

Images can be sorted by using the "sort" button (up-down-arrows) in the header of the image gallery.

The following types of sorting can be applied:

  • Sorting by taken date using
    "1997 1998 1999" for ascending or
    "1999 1998 1997" for descending order.
  • Sorting by image name using
    "a b c" for ascending or
    "c b a" for descending order.
  • Sorting by the time when image was added using
    "as added 1. 2. 3." for ascending or
    "as added 3. 2. 1." for descending order.

The images are now ordered accordingly.

How can I move or copy images to another gallery?

Images can be moved or copied to another gallery by different methods depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Select one or more images you want to move or copy.
  • Touch/Mouse: Open the context menu of the selected images and choose the button "move to gallery" (not available in the gallery "all") or the button "add to gallery" (available in all galleries).
    Touch and hold one of the selected images and move them to the left.
  • Touch/Mouse: A list of all available galleries appears on the left side. Drop the moved images to one of them (except that one drom which you have selected the images).

The selected images are now moved or copied to the chosen gallery.

How can I change the name and description of a category or a gallery?

The name and description of a category or gallery can be changed in its detail page, respectively.

  • Select the category or gallery you want to edit.
  • Edit the name or description.
  • Navigate back to see the made changes.

The name/description of the category/gallery is now changed.

How can I change the color of a category or gallery?

The color of a category or gallery can be changed in its detail page, respectively.

  • Select the category or gallery you want to edit.
  • Change the color using the color chooser.
  • Navigate back to see the made changes.

The color of the tile of the category/gallery is now changed to the selected color.

How can I change the update speed of the tile of a category or gallery?

The update speed of the tile of a category/gallery can be changed in its detail page, respectively.

  • Select the category or gallery you want to edit.
  • Edit the update speed of the tile.
  • Navigate back to see the made changes.

The update speed of the tile is now changed.

How can I control whether a preview image is displayed in the tile of a gallery?

You can switch the image preview on/off in the detail page of a gallery.

  • Select the gallery you want to edit.
  • Toggle the switch "display preview image" to turn it on/off.
  • Navigate back to see the changes.

The tile of the gallery displays or does not display a preview image according to the setting you made.

How can I share an event?

Events can be shared across many social networks or via mail using the edit page menu of an event.

  • Navigate to the set card page of the collector's item whose event you want to share.
  • Touch/Mouse: In the biography column of the set card press the "edit biography" action - the biography page of the item is displayed.
  • Select the event you want to share.
  • Open the context menu of the selected event.
  • Choose the action "edit" from the bottom app bar. The edit page for the event is displayed.
  • In the edit page choose the "share" action in the upper right corner.

The share charm bar is displayed and you can choose the sharing target for your event. Please note that in most cases you can share events only if you have installed an appropriate app for a specific social network.

How can I show the app's version and current release notes?

The app's version is displayed in the app's options menu.

The app's release notes are now displayed.

How can I change the app's language?

The app's language can changed in the app's options menu.

The app's language is changed immediately - no restart is necessary.

How can I backup or recover the app's database?

The app's database can be backup or recovered in the app's options menu.

Backup your database

  • Click/Touch the "backup" button. A file chooser dialog is displayed.
  • Select a directory and optionally edit the file name of the database backup.
    Please note that the database backup should not be stored on a network storage because of the size of the database.
  • Click/Touch the "Database save as" button.

The app's database is saved to the chosen folder.

Recover your database

  • Click/Touch the "recover" button.
  • Select a directory and the database file of a previous backup.
    Please note that the database you want to restore must not exceed the limits of your in-app-purchase. In this case the recovery will be aborted and the old database will be still in place.
  • Click/Touch the "Database recover from" button.

The app's database is recovered from the chosen file.

How can I export collector's items from the database?

Data of all collector's items can be exported in the app's options menu.

  • Open the app's options menu.
  • Click/Touch the "export" button. A file chooser dialog is displayed.
  • Select a directory and edit optionally the file name of the database export file.
  • Click/Touch the "export as" button.

Data of all collector's items are now exported to the chosen CSV file. This file can be processed with most spreadsheet applications.

Please note the following limitations of the export:

  • Only properties of collector's items are exported - categories, image galleries, images and biography events are not exported.
  • Previously exported data cannot be imported from a CSV file. For this purpose please use the backup/recover functionality.

How can I open the context menu?

The context menu can be opened by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Touch: Use a swipe gesture from the top or bottom border of the screen.
  • Mouse: Perform a right click on an empty area of the screen.
  • Keyboard: Press [Windows]-[z].

A top and/or a bottom bar slides in. The bars contain all actions which can be applied to the selected object(s).

How can I open the options menu?

The options menu can be opened by different methods, depending on the device you are using (touch screen, mouse, keyboard).

  • Touch: Use a swipe gesture from the right border of the screen, the general settings pane slides in. Touch on the "settings" entry and touch then on the "options" entry of the app.
  • Mouse: Move the mouse to the right border of the screen, the general settings pane slides in. Click on the "settings" entry and click then on the "options" entry of the app.
  • Keyboard: Press [Windows]-[c], the general settings pane slides in. Move with the [cursor] keys to the "settings" entry and select it with the [space] bar. Move then with the [cursor] keys to the "options" entry of the app and select it with the [space] bar.

The options menu of the app is displayed.
