change the options
The option dialog can be accessed over the windows 8 standard settings charm from all pages of the game. Alternatively you can tap on the user account on the game hub page for a quick access.
All changes of the options will have instant effect. The settings are shared within in the same windows account on all of your devices.
Change your nickname
To set or change your nickname just type-in your preferred name. In case another player has already chosen this name, you'll get a message and a suggestion for a name which is not used yet. You can accept the suggestion or try another name.
The new nickname will appear instantly on the game's hub page and in all your scores and statistics.
The nickname is shown to other user's in the score list - so keep it in mind when choosing one.
Note: Changing the nickname is only possible if you are online, otherwise you'll get an information.
Change the sound volume
You can set the game's sound volume based on the windows sound volume. The volume "0" will mute the game.
Change the game mode color
Tap on the color chooser to change the color of the "classic" game mode. All coloring releated to this game mode is changed immediately.
Tap on the color chooser to change the color of the "shuffle" game mode. All coloring releated to this game mode is changed immediately.
reset your score
You can reset your personal scores and statistics by tapping the reset button.